Implementing Dotvvm framework.

Susan Lozano
2 min readMar 29, 2020


DotVVM is an open-source framework for building web applications using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern. It was developed to simplify the development of modern web applications by providing a set of powerful tools and features that allow developers to easily create rich, responsive, and interactive user interfaces.

Implementing DotVVM in a new or existing project is relatively straightforward and can be done in a few simple steps.

  1. Install DotVVM: To get started with DotVVM, you will first need to install the framework by downloading it from the official website or by using NuGet.
  2. Create a new DotVVM project: Once you have installed the framework, you can create a new DotVVM project by selecting the “DotVVM Web Application” template in Visual Studio. This will create a new project with the necessary files and directories needed to start building your application.
  3. Define views and viewmodels: DotVVM uses a combination of HTML and C# to define views and viewmodels. You can define views using standard HTML, and view models using C# classes. The framework automatically binds the view to the ViewModel, so when the ViewModel changes, the view is updated automatically.
  4. Configure routing: DotVVM uses a routing system that maps URLs to views. This allows you to easily navigate between different parts of your application. You can configure routing by defining a routeing table in the DotvvmStartup class.
  5. Add controls: DotVVM provides a set of built-in controls that you can use to add functionality to your views. These controls include things like textboxes, buttons, and grids. You can also create your own custom controls if needed.
  6. Test and debug: Once you have implemented the basic structure of your application, you can test and debug it using the built-in development tools provided by DotVVM. This includes a visualizer that allows you to see the current state of the ViewModel, and a trace log that provides detailed information about the execution of your application.

Overall, DotVVM is a powerful framework that can help simplify the development of modern web applications. Providing a set of powerful tools and features, it allows developers to easily create rich, responsive, and interactive user interfaces. With its simple implementation process and built-in development tools, DotVVM is an excellent choice for developers looking to build web applications quickly and efficiently.

